Maame Akua Kyerewaa Marfo: For an Internet where we can tell our own stories

Headshot of Maame Akua Kyerewaa Marfo

Maame Akua Kyerewaa Marfo: For an Internet where we can tell our own stories

What would decolonizing the internet look like to you? That’s what we asked Maame Akua Kyerewaa Marfo at Decolonizing the Internet conference last July. She replied:

[A decolonized Internet] would look like a space where a woman in rural Nigeria can conduct her business and have access to the markets and information and the power that someone sitting in New York could. It would look like everyone having the same access and everyone being able to make change in their corner of the world and stay connected up to everyone.

Maame is a singer, feminist and writer based in Ghana and working as Communications and Fundraising Assistant at the African Women’s Development Fund. Like many other Decolonizing the Internet participants, Maame dared to image a future where multiple forms of knowledges cohabite the Internet, and communities from around the world contribute to make it as multiple and rich as the offline world is. She shared her thoughts with us in an interview, and now we share them with you all.

Read the full transcript.